Thursday, February 18, 2016


Hi Guys! I have read the article about Netiquette. What is Netiquette? Netiquette or network etiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. I have learnt about ten rules of Netiquette and I found three new things which I will discuss now.

First, Rule 1: Remember the human. “When you communicate through cyberspace – via email or discussion groups – your words are written. And chances are they’re stored somewhere where you have no control over them. In other words, there’s a good chance they can come back to haunt you.” That taught me to be careful when I write anything in cyberspace because the recipients of my message can save or forward it to another people. I do not have control over where it goes. Our words can kill us anytime if we are not careful.

Second, Rule 4: Respect other people’s time and bandwidth. We are not the center of cyberspace. Do not expect instant responses if you ask some questions to people, although you need them. Do not assume that all readers will agree or care about your arguments. Just wait or ask other people about your questions.

Last, Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes. People will make some mistakes in cyberspace. Maybe it’s a spelling error, a stupid question, or an unnecessarily long answer. It’s normal because everyone was a network newbie once. Respect it kindly. If it’s a minor error, you may no need to say anything. But, if you decided to inform someone of a mistake, point it out politely by private email. Do not do that in public and do not be arrogant or self-righteous about it.

That’s all I think. Netiquette is very useful for me. I hope, you can learn anything from here. Thank you for visiting my blog and reading it. Don’t forget to leave a comment for me because your comment can develop my writing skill. See you!

If you want to read all about the rules of Netiquette, you can visit this blog :

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