Saturday, May 21, 2016

Big Thanks for Writing 1A!

Hi, Readers! I think this is the last post of my writing 1 blog since the end of my second semester is coming. Now, I am going to share my experiences while I am in writing class.

I spent 6 months in this class and I got some knowledge of writing technicalities. In the last 3 months, I learnt about description and narrative text. Also, we learnt about the time for using question and exclamation marks. Honestly, sometimes I feel that it is difficult when I have to decide whether I should use a period, a coma, or an exclamation mark.

The most interesting unit is when we talked the differences between topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. In this lesson, we got an assignment to write some paragraphs by writing the points in the words map first so that we can include and write easily the topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. “Malang has many unique waterfalls” was my topic. I like my topic as it is related to my interest, travelling. As a result, I enjoyed doing this assignment.

The most difficult unit is narrative. At first, I do not know the difference among recount and narrative text. However, after I know it, I still have a problem. Sometimes, I have no idea so I do not know what I should write. For me, narrative is too complicated, especially when I have to write the introduction of my story. Knowing that we will have narrative as the Final exam’s topic, I am so anxious. I hope, my brain will give a lot of amazing ideas that never been out before. I should get higher score in writing final test so as to get A in my final score, because in the last Mid-test, I did not get a good score.

In writing class, not only knowledge, but I also got a lot of memories with my friends and my lecturer. I want to say thank you for Mr. Taloko, who have taught and given us the important knowledge of writing technicalities. Thank you for my friends, who have made some crazy memories in this class. All of you are completely amazing and insane, guys.  See you in the next semester!


  1. I hope we can study together, Osa, and if we have a chance to be in the same class again, It will be great, but if not we can still study together sometimes. It will be fun. ^^
